Hope, Freedom, Films and FUN!!

May 20th, 2010|

Being served up THIS SATURDAY in Long Beach Califonia My Friends!!! Sure hope You have made arrangements. Get the day OFF, secure your favorite babysitter(if applicable) and make arrangements to head to this Awesome Event planned for you!! The festivities begin at 1 P.M. leading you through until MIDNITE!! Movies, Music and Mind-bending REALITY!! Prepare

The “A-LEAGUE” Family

May 17th, 2010|

Was conceived by Lora Mancini...implemented by San Dimas California. And brought to life by all of us parents!! It takes a group-effort and that we have had! Yes we still have 3 games to play in this opening SEASON but, I am just so grateful! Yesterdays action was as fun as ever!! The sun was

Season’s SHIFTING…

May 15th, 2010|

...as we tick into SUMMER from SPRING! What an amazing spring we have had! The very 1st ALL~ AUTISM~DIVISION! Thankyou to LITTLE LEAGUE, San Dimas Little League ...League President, Tim Roe and Mom on a Mission "DIVISION VISIONARY" Lora Mancini. Without the ALIGNMENT of these entities we would have been missing the boat this season

The Canyon Club ROCKS!!

May 13th, 2010|

How great was Cinco De Mayo for everyone in attendance last Wed. in Augora Hills California? To infinity and beyond!! That's how great!! To see Autistic Performers entertaining a delighted CROWD!! A vision I want to see more of!! A vision made possible this night by Autism Movement Therapy creator Joanne Lara. Truly a champion and angel


May 9th, 2010|

A~LEAGUE ?!! That's right skip the...APPLE PIE !! We A-League Mom's are too busy having our cake and eating it too!! Thanks to the persistence of one MOM in particular...LORA MANCINI!! What an accomplishment Lora. We honor you especially !! On this blog you will see something very extraordinary! Mom's that have been working their

Calm COOL Colors…

May 7th, 2010|

Are the "New Black"! Is'nt that how the saying goes...when something is about to be in vogue?! Well AutismHWY has just declared a new viable way to calm our kids...COLOR THERAPY!! Seriously.I have been noticing it in one capacity or another for years. Now it is stunningly CLEAR to me! These kids so respond to


May 6th, 2010|

Last month on April 2nd Wyatt & I met with Paul Detrick of ReasonTV. He was interested in my "take" on the on-going battle. VACCINES?? Did they ~OR~ Did'nt they? I truly believe we will never know the definitive answer to THAT Question. ReasonTV is a libertarian reporting agency fostered by Drew Carey! I did


May 6th, 2010|

Two essential HUMAN NEEDS! There are so many other needs, real and perceived. However...spiritually those two ingredients blend together nicely to...pretty much "Cover-IT!" If you have freedom and the forsight to be hopeful than you are POSITIVELY happy. Or on your way to getting there! AutismHWY would like to think our Autistic Community fits into


May 3rd, 2010|

     Turns out I am lucky enough to have one. I Always knew I was. There has always been something so...good, so...PURE, about Wyatt. From day one his nature was very sweet and helpful. Before we even knew about his Autism there were so many examples of his "good ~vibrations," his intuitions! He just


May 2nd, 2010|

This "A-League" is sure doing that!! We all knew we were missing something in our lives...& now that we have found ourselves at the ballpark. EUREKA!! We have found "IT" and we are not budging!! The feelings we are all having are just getting better with each practice and game! You'de have to be crazy

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