
February 22nd, 2010|

Sounds like another of Wyatt's sing-songy repertoire ..."Fape, Fape, Fape!" F.A.P.E. stands for FREE appropriate PUBLIC EDUCATION. Something every child in this great country should RIGHTLY be entitled to. Unfortunately...like all great systems they are not always implemented properly. Especially with the wonderful word "appropriate" inserted into the already muddy equation. I wonder how many


February 19th, 2010|

HI THERE, HI THERE, HI THERE! (?) !! I just came from tucking Wyatt in and I truly HEARD ...a sing-songy version of the above mentioned! I've heard it before, just like ; YADA,YADA,YADA & DIGA,DIGA,DIGA. Along with several other ... variations on a theme that have rotated in & out over the years. But


February 17th, 2010|

NO...Not the one that The Who sang about....The one that TEMPLE GRANDIN mooed about! Wow...watching HBO's amazing portrayal of her life made me so happy! The story behind her miraculous discoveries...make it so clear to people how autistic people often feel. Completely OVERWHELMED. I urge everyone to make a point to watch this film, and

Kid Companions – Great new product!

February 16th, 2010|

As a parent or caregiver, looking for accessories for a growing special needs child can be a challenge. Youth affected by Sensory Processing Disorder -SPD, Autism Spectrum Disorder -ASD, Attention Deficit Distorder ADD/ADHD, etc., can still benefit from developmental tools. However, age appropriate tools can be even harder to find. Kid Companions is a chewable


February 15th, 2010|

Hello...My name is Kelly Green, mother of an almost 11 yr. old amazing autistic son! His name is Wyatt Griffin Green...and in his short life, I have learned so much...and, so little! My "Oxymoron". When I think about that ...I have to laugh, so often I've felt that way...like an Oxy-moron. How about the time

Welcome to the new Autism HWY Blog!

February 7th, 2010|

Please check back often as we will be posted great articles and information about Autism and our new social networking website for those with Autism and their families.

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