March 10th, 2010|

...TO THE BALL-GAME"!? Wow, something SO COOL is about to take place here! In our corner of the sandbox! "A-LEAGUE" Little League ! Autistic players make up a FOUR TEAM League! Here in San Dimas California and Opening Day is THIS SATURDAY March 13th at 9:30 a.m. www.sandimaslittleleague.com So much fun in store. San Dimas


March 7th, 2010|

This phrase is so very important to me. For a myriad of reasons. These are the top 3...First and foremost, it is my HOPE for the WORLD! Secondly, it is the place I have EVOLVED to! # 3 and most especially, it is my WISH for Wyatt and all the other beautiful AUTISTIC CHILDREN and


March 6th, 2010|

You've heard of... sense and sensibility well put an autistic spin on that and wella, SENSORY SENSABILITIES! So much of an autistic persons day can revolve around this ISSUE. You and I have all of "our gages" working ( hope so, anyway.) What I mean by that is we can perceive things as they are.

“WHY- WHY”!??

March 5th, 2010|

When I named my son Wyatt. I just liked the name. I was asked by family members ...Why Wyatt? One uncle told me it sounded funny with my last name. He said it sounded like "White Green!" That hadn't even occurred to me. I JUST LIKED THE NAME. So I found myself defending my "choice"


March 3rd, 2010|

Lacking aim. An accidental chance occurance. Without careful choice. Purposeless. Haphazard.Seeming to happen without intention. Sprinkle...or connote with a little nonchalance and indifference. Ladies and Gentlemen I give you AUTISM. Sure sounds like all the characteristics to me! Actually all of that 'prose' is listed under RANDOM in your nearby dictionary. Words...seperated at birth? No...


March 2nd, 2010|

It is palpable...I feel it, then again I am biased. The feeling I have is that people are finally ready. Ready to address "Our ISSUE". Ready to make it " Their ISSUE". Oh let's hope! There are MANY thousands of awesome people who have been making this "Their ISSUE" long before it was ever even

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