March 23rd, 2010|

...we need a break! That is an understatement! As the mother/ caregiver of an individual with autism...RESPITE is a must! The influx of "spa experience" gift giving is a big indication of that! So even though life is hectic it is essential to RE-CHARGE yourself. Please don't forget this ! So many of us run


March 21st, 2010|

View the NEWS STORY click here [VIDEO] A-LEAGUE featured on KNBC Los Angeles Cal! Well our GROUNDBREAKING SEASON is off to a great start! Sunny San Dimas was a great backdrop for OUR FUN!! Its so exciting to me that this is happening right here WHERE WE LIVE! How lucky are we? Hopefully this is


March 19th, 2010|

Ingrained in your BRAIN, Permeating your SOUL. The HOLY TRINITY?...NOT!! Just the VICE-LIKE GRIP this Damn Disorder can have on our kids! For some kids that grip is VERY INTENSE, while others are on a "SHORT LEASH." Are you picturing my analogy? I have learned to try and "Think in Pictures," thus...trying to "Write in


March 18th, 2010|

PERFECT! That's how the SAYING goes, anyway. Isn't it funny that we always say... we aspire for perfection? Then we turn around and say, NOTHING IS EVER PERFECT! Talk about a safety net. Even with our language and sayings we make room for our OWN imperfections! We need to be that forgiving with EVERYONE in

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