March 31st, 2010|

That is what I am beginning to think! For...ever it seems that fingers are always pointing to the inoculations! THE PERFECT...CATCH-22! Something you need...that could RANDOMLY mess you up? GREAT. I personally don't have "a dog in that fight." Sure ,I have a son with AUTISM. Yes, he has had his shots. Did I notice


March 30th, 2010|

This phrase came up in a great conversation the other day with a NEW GOOD- FRIEND. It struck me as BRILLIANT. It is ...SOoo many THINGS. It is where I am, in comparison to where my beautiful boy Wyatt is. It is where the majority of the world is, as opposed to where AUTISM and


March 29th, 2010|

I cannot ADVOCATE "story-boarding" enough. NO... it is not a terrorist' way of forcing you to listen to stories until talk! lol ! It's actually a way to CLUE-IN our VISUAL THINKERS! Autistic individuals are operating each day on such different planes than "typicals." They see or don't see the world in such a


March 28th, 2010|

Our A-Leaguers are FEELIN IT ! The BUDDIES, The COACHES, The FAMILIES...WE are ALL FEELIN IT ! & What a good feeling IT IS!! It had been so long since I had been in a dugout, I had forgotten! FORGOTTEN?!! How I could have ?!...I'll never know! Guess all these years in the "trenches" with


March 25th, 2010|

The relation of comrades. Friendship. Companionship! Sounds so SIMPLE Right?!! For someone with AUTISM Simply NOT. In theory practice , well WE HOPE. Thus the constant summer camps and "social skills groups." Which our kids NEED!(PLEASE DON"T Cut our SUMMER ACTIVITY BUDGETS!) If left alone they may not seek enough interaction. Depending on the


March 24th, 2010|

...My WYATT'S BIRTHDAY! Coincedentally also the 1ST day of AUTISM AWARENESS Month. Funny how things work out sometimes. The year Wyatt was born will be just like this one. Wyatt's Birthday... on Thursday April Fool's Day, followed by Easter Sunday. I knew Wyatt was a special boy instantly! So wonderous, to see your "freshly-cooked" baby's

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