April 14th, 2010|

Could be a GOOD-THING...or...a BAD-THING. Depending on the cicumstances. Depending on exactly WHAT... is SEEPING ? Nutrients, from compost enriching your garden? OR, water damage...from a leaky roof ? Benefits and Deficits. BENI'S & DEFI'S...Life is full of 'em. Certain things we allow to "Seep-in" ~others ...not so much. 'QUESTION'... what ~IS~or... ~COULD BE~ seeping


April 11th, 2010|

That is what we have going on over here at San Dimas Little League!! Today was our "A-LEAGUE" players 3rd GAME!! Improvement is duelly noted!! Even with the long-gap of Easter break...it is easy to see the affects game play IS HAVING! Some of these kids don't know their own strength. Both Divisions HITTERS make


April 11th, 2010|

Is what Grampa Bob began calling Wyatt. I can't remember exactly when that started. It was clear though that Wyatt liked to rub his skin, your skin...a random strangers skin! WHOOPS...Wyatt! "Get back here"...Wrangle wrangle! That has happened before. Beware of Tactile A.S. individuals when you wear those summer tank-tops LADIES! Wyatt will put his


April 9th, 2010|

I know I DO! However, I have a few conditions... regarding "that love." I want an "IDEA of the outcome" to the mystery. Something you can SEE. Something a little concrete. Something you can trust in! Yes I understand it is .. A MYSTERY..we are speaking of! So that "idea of outcome" is never  a


April 8th, 2010|

I'll bet yours is branching out...becoming an Aunt ? or, an Uncle?... A Beautiful, 'young Gramie' ? . How 'bout... Grampa?! ( waayy before...your time!) Heck, it's fun ! Its what life is all about! GROWING, CHANGING, BENDING, BREAKING & RE-GRAFTING...Just Like the Branches of an AWESOME TREE! This tree sits on Colorado Ave. right here


April 6th, 2010|

...LOOKING OUR WAY~ Each and every single day! As Wyatt and I travel our daily HIGHWAYS & BYWAYS ~ It is VERY Interesting watching these curious youngsters. I study them...study him. You can actually see the wheels spinning, SERIOUSLY! Think ...Indy 500. They wonder? About Wyatt~ his actions, his autism ...its an issue that has


April 5th, 2010|

...But DIFFERENT!  Nice phrase! Here at AutismHWY.com we believe that...that is exactly  what makes the world go round! Global thinking...It's a BIG beautiful  differing world we live in ! This profound saying has "come home" to Wyatt on a T~shirt for several yrs. now.  When Army Veteran  Grampa BOB comes back from yet another Viet Nam trip. Same~


April 4th, 2010|

...the SAVAGE BEAST?!! Hold ON!! I am in NO WAY calling ANYONE a SAVAGE BEAST!....Unless of couse YOU want me to!! lol Yet another of our double-edged sayings!!I must admit I am having way TOO MUCH fun with all of these "catch-phrases" and words of wisdom. I have been collecting them my whole life! Now


April 3rd, 2010|

...MAKE LIGHT WORK! If I heard that once I heard it a 1000 times ...one of my Grandmother Sadie"s standards. To this day that may have been her BEST GEM! There were SOoo.. many to choose from! She was a sunshine spreader...and I TRY, to follow suit. However, with all these roadblocks ...you tend to

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