In late 2009 the AutismHWY website was in the factory tuning up and preparing to plug into our brand-new electric HWY, the world-wide web! How exciting to find ourselves in a whole ‘new head space.’ In fact…a lot of whole new head spaces. Talk about mind expanding! mind2

Only knowing my Autistic son and a handful of his Aut classmates throughout those 10 years before the website existed we were ready to get on the HWY to real Autism information. I wanted to meet and greet Autistic people of ALL ages. The things that teachers, professionals and other parents were telling me never rang true. True to the instinctual connection my Autistic son and I have. We knew this new journey  would be something spectacular, something unimaginable. Our GPS system was never quite equipped for the vast galaxy of Autistic people… friends, partners and icons we would be on the AutismHWY with. Stellar universal navigations indeed. A vast neuro-universe unto itself. A universe of thought and beautiful patterning. Super natural people we were excited to befriend, work with and learn from.

So, what is this blog all about besides life changing connections to fantastic people? sticker AA

Is it about me, KellyG? Yes.

anca awards 2011

Is it about my artful attitude? Yes.


Is it about my son? Yes.




Is it about his attitude? Yes.


Is it about what we do to move the Acceptance ball forward in this indescribable ‘game changing decade’ of Autistic culture connecting? Yes.

cf5 man briceno

Is it about the innovative people we merge with on our AutismHWY? Yes.



An amazing emerging culture!!

An amazing emerging culture!!

Is it about our hopes and dreams for the world to stop misunderstanding and over-reacting to Autism? Yes.



Different is in fact needed!

Different is in fact needed!

Is it about our ICONIC Chalk Festival Free Expression Bonanza? YES!

Lori Antoinette W. serves us up a SWEET surprise!

Lori Antoinette W. serves us up a SWEET surprise!

Is it about the wish for a world more interested in people than things? Yes.




ASAN's Daniel Obejas recites his powerful poem: Points in Space.

ASAN’s Daniel Obejas recites his powerful poem: Points in Space.

5th yr. participant! KING Jeremy of J.J. Jewelers

5th yr. participant! KING Jeremy of J.J. Jewelers

Dylan Arragon's performances were fantastic.

Dylan Arragon’s performances were fantastic.

Daniela interviewed wearing a T-shirt by her own design!

Daniela interviewed wearing a T-shirt by her own design!


Is it about the long awaited platform Autistic people need to shift the Autism industry? Yes.


