I know I DO! However, I have a few conditions… regarding “that love.” I want an “IDEA of the outcome” to the mystery. Something you can SEE. Something a little concrete. Something you can trust in! Yes I understand it is .. A MYSTERY..we are speaking of! So that “idea of outcome” is never  a sure thing! As “in love”…as we all know that is never a ‘sure thing”! So, you assess your “idea of outcome” and you  take your …leap of faith! FOLLOWING YOUR HEART! As they say…..

So lately… that is exactly what I have been doing, BIG TIME! Following my heart …My heart that dreams of a complete overhaul in ATITTUDE >Regarding this …so called “MYSTERY.” This AUTISM. I have been doing this “Mystery-writing” for a few months now. Trying to rally folks to my cause! I do see great levels of excitement in those of us with a vested interest. With others…NOT SO MUCH. Heck, it’s only been a couple of months! So I SHOULD BE…Patient!

Not always…a virtue of mine!! My human nature has made a decision about what I would like to see. NOW~ I am on a mission to make that happen! My mom gets very nervous of me when I go into this mode! She sees me as a STEAMROLLER of sorts! I do as well only, I am convinced that old attitudes ~ need to be … flattened out and REBUILT!


Really there is a pretty clean slate out there as is. Especially in regards to our youth’s knowledge as per their peers on the spectrum. So… we just can’t have that… a Sign Painter in the vicinity of a …BLANK SLATE?!

There is such a natural progression there !! I feel ‘the calling’! A”calling” is the perfect way to describe my “WYATT~BOOKS”. In April 2009  when my brother Stacey was GRAVELY ILL…I was literally  struck by this bolt! This…bolt that called me to write! Write the answers to all the questions that people won’t ask! Leave it to me to find a niche that NO-ONE else is looking for! lol Once again  I hear my Dad’s famous quotation…:”Kelly, people DON’T KNOW what they want~until you TELL THEM!” The verdict is still out on whether  believing that is a blessing or a curse! lol…

So, during this time that year I searched my soul like NEVER before. Hoping for a miracle that would grant my brother more time on this earth. Praying to the HIGHEST POWER for answers ,when you feel ~so human~ so HELPLESS. For nearly 2 weeks we sat with Stacey daily for what turned out to be his final days. This EPIPHANY I was given …born out of prayer & desperation, has become my Brother’s Legacy! My children’s books about my Wyatt and his AUTISM! I am so glad that I was able to tell Stacey about this OH SO SPECIAL project before he passed… This EPIPHANY! When I told him what I had decided to do the look HE gave me SAID IT ALL!

He too knew how important this information is for the world!! How desperately  ALL OF THE CARDS NEED TO BE LAID OUT ON THE TABLE…And how his SISTER would help in that regard…how I would be the right “man for the job!!”