That is how I am feeling! 2010 ended superbly with the Autism SHINES Mural project~~>  January kicked off in fine form with my Temple Grandin interaction!! February 12th was the 1st co-ordinated APAC Global Awareness Event. March 4th will be’s 1st radio show as a part of the ANCA Naturally Autistic Blogradio Team. Be aware~Show you care Chalk Festival April 16th, WOW!

That doesn’t even touch on the #1 REASON I am so blissed out recently!! “Making Friends with Autism”  my children’s coloring book has been sent to the printer’s. 24 pages of  Awareness INFORMATION presented in a fun way! Info about their peers  they truly need to know. Let’s stop all of the wondering people have been doing! Let’s put something in the children’s hands!! Let’s grease the wheels of knowledge…and get this rollin’!! I am ready to have children coloring awareness magic. Parents learning and understanding basics with their children…Autism meltdown 101 .

CLICK to ENLARGE ~ each of Rachel Walker’s brilliant drawings! I am so blessed to be working with such a special artisan. Rachel is multi~talented to be sure. She is an accomplished artist that has shown at Vroman’s Pasadena  bookstores as well as Our local Glendora bookstore . Currently Rachel has a permanent spot at  a Gallery in Pomona! She has designed  beautiful costumes and loungerie . This year she is teaching costume design at an artist oriented high school in Santa Ana. She has encouraged some great work from her students with 1 Fashion Show so far! I am proud to call her friend and partner.

When I lucked into Rachel as the artist for this venture…I was at my wits end. I had been shopping around for an “artist” to help illustrate my “Why does Wyatt do that?” books. My mom immediately insisted I could do it by myself. She knows that as an artist…you can doubt your own abilities, and need that “pep-talk”… that urge to believe. Many , many times that is true in life. There is also a time to know when two heads are  better than one. Joining minds and creativity, linking together making each other stronger. This is what I sensed and thankfully found in Rachel.

The way that Rachel took my two rough designs and refined them and took them to the next level…Not Global~~UNIVERSAL!!  You know I LOVE THAT!! Kelly Green loves to think BIG! This is exactly my point ; Rachel understood that from me. When I approached her with this partnership I was seeking she had no ASD experience. She has taken it upon herself to check into things on her own. She has had some hands on experience getting to know Wyatt and I!

She has read things thatI have sent her and really taken this project to heart! She will look at photos and then be able to capture Wyatt’s body language in her depictions. Precisely what is needed. When I have given her a thumbnail sketch or idea of what I hope to see on each page…she understands and enhances my perceptions!!  So evident in her amazing heartfelt renderings.Our kids and families are in for an informative amazing  treat!

Speaking of amazing~~ Rachel surprised me yet again with a beautiful original piece for the front cover of “Making friends with Autism”…Wow when I saw this my heart had wings too! My beloved logo amongst the beautiful unique tapestry as WINDOWS OF OPPORTUNITY open for the ASD community!! Gorgeous~Thankyou Rachel!